Canary-American Singer -
American Singer Canaries were bred to have both a brilliant look and a brilliant song. The American singer canary has been selectively bred for generations to produce perfect song and beauty. The American singer canary is particularly hardy so is an excellent candidate for novices. Some American singer canaries are very aggressive so make sure to keep canaries of similar temperament together. Aggressive canaries will pick on non-aggressive canaries if they are housed together.
[more info / see breeders]
Canary-Border Fancy -
The Border Canary, like all canaries, evolved from the ild canaries of the Canary Islands. Border Canaries have been bred in the North of England and the Scottish Borders since the 1700s. In 1889 a meeting was called at the Border town of Langholm where a name and common standard were adopted. The Border Fancy Canary Club was established on June 5th 1890. The Standard stated that the idea border canary should be less than five and a half inches long, stand at a 60 degree angle to it's perch, have a smoothly rounded head and breast, and should have and active disposition.
[more info / see breeders]
Canary-Colorbred -
Colorbred Canaries are a highly prized due to their brilliant orange (sometimes creamsicle) coloring. Most (probably all) Red Factor Canaries require special food to maintain their amazing coloring. If they are not fed the special food they will start to turn yellow after they molt. [more info / see breeders]
Canary-fife -
The fife canary is basically a miniture version of the border canary. Many call the fife canary the "original border canary" because the fife canary standard came as a result of a push back from scottish breeders who grew tired of a trend to breed larger and larger border canaries. [more info / see breeders]
Canary-roller -
Since Roller Canaries are bred for song there are no distinguishing physical features associated with Roller Canariest. Roller Canaries are highly prized by many for their singing. Roller Canaries always sing with their beaks closed. [more info / see breeders]
Canary-Gloster -
The Gloster Canary is one of the newest and most popular cararies. Gloster Canaries are mostly known for their crowns, lively attitude, good nature, and crowns. [more info / see breeders]
Canary-Norwich -
The Norwich Canary was made its first appearance England about four hundred years. The original Norwich Canary was much smaller, about 5 1/4 inches long, and slimmer than the Norwich Canary of today. Two events are credited for the modern look of Norwich Canaries; outcrossing the breed to the massive Lancashire Coppy, and introducing the practice of color feeding. [more info / see breeders]
Canary-Spanish Timbrado -
Of all of the modern Canaries the Spanish Timbrado Canary is probably genetically closest to its original ancesestors. The Spanish Timbrado is a very hardy, pretty, and melodious bird. Spanish Timbrados are bred for song so they have no particular physical characteristics.
[more info / see breeders]
Canary-Waterslager -
Although not particularly popular int he United States the Waterslager Canary is very popular around the world.
[more info / see breeders]
Finch- Black Hooded Nun -
Black Hooded Nun Finches have a black head and a copper body. The males have a soothing song.
[more info / see breeders]
Finch- Bronze Manikin -
Bronze Manikin Nun Finches have a black head and a bronze to white body. The males have a soothing song.
[more info / see breeders]
Finch- Cordon Blue -
Cordon Blue Finches have a blue head and a bronze to blue and tan body. The males have a soothing song.
[more info / see breeders]
Finch- Cut Throat -
Cut Throat Finches are shades of light brown with black flecks all-over. The have a Black-brown tail, white chin & cheeks, chestnut brown spot on belly. Their Beak and legs are a pale pink (fleshy) color. The males have a soothing song.
[more info / see breeders]
Finch- European Gold -
European Gold Finches have black wings with gold bars and the adult birds, both males and females, have bright red faces.
[more info / see breeders]
Finch- Gouldian -
Gouldian Finches are very colorful the have all of the colors of the rainbow on them.
[more info / see breeders]
Finch- Green Singer -
Green Singer Finches are are closely related to canaries. Green singers are mostly yellow in color.
[more info / see breeders]
Finch- Society -
Most society finches are pied in color. They are considered very good starter birds because they are brightly colored and great singers.
[more info / see breeders]
Finch- Spice -
Spice Finches have dark brown feathers with a white and brown pattern on their breasts and flanks.
[more info / see breeders]
Finch- Star -
Star Finches are predominantly light green. Star Finches have red faces, yellow stomachs, orange bills, and yellow legs.
[more info / see breeders]
Finch- Zebra -
In the standard Zebra finch, the top of their head, nape, and back are gray. They have black and white stripes on their chins, throats, and the sides of the neck are barred black and white.
[more info / see breeders]