![]() Canary-American Singer Family - Finch Nick Names - Yellow Variegated Canary Description - American Singer Canaries were bred to have both a brilliant look and a brilliant song. The American singer canary has been selectively bred for generations to produce perfect song and beauty. The American singer canary is particularly hardy so is an excellent candidate for novices. Some American singer canaries are very aggressive so make sure to keep canaries of similar temperament together. Aggressive canaries will pick on non-aggressive canaries if they are housed together. Temperament - Like all Canaries American Singer Canaries Canaries usually don't like to be touched. It is possible to hand tame some Canaries, but it takes a tremendous amount of effort. Canaries are teritorial and usually do not like sharing their cage and rarely if ever need companionship. Sexing - It is difficult to determine the sex of the Canaries sometimes. With that said usually female Canaries have 3 evenly lengthed toes, while middle toe of male Canaries is usually longer than the two outside toes. Males also usually have flatter heads, are more colorful, and sing. Femails tend to have rounder heads, are plainer, and chirp. It is not unusual for a family to believe they have a male Canary until they find an egg sitting in their "male canary's" cage. Origin - All Canaries original origins are from the wild canaries of the Canary Islands. The original American singer canary were 2/3 German Rollar Canary and the 1/3 Border Canary. Trainability - NA. Loudness - NA. Diet: Canaries have very high metabolism. Your canary could starve to death within twenty four hours if your canary doesn't eat. Canaries should eat about half grains and half vegatable with some fruits (about 5%). Never feed any Canary anything with caffiene as an ingredient (like chocolate) and dairy products are a bad idea. Desired Cage size - Your canary needs a relatively large cage because canaries are very active. They love to fly so there should be lots of perches throughout the cage. 20"X20"X26" (length X width X height) Length: 5-6 inchesLife span: 10-14 years |